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Monitors section of Upzilla’s uptime monitoring service offers users granular control over their monitoring configuration. With comprehensive listing features, action buttons for quick management, and enhanced filtering, search options, and the convenience of the Add Monitor button, users can efficiently monitor their website’s performance and swiftly address any issues that arise. By harnessing the power of monitors, users can ensure uninterrupted digital presence and drive towards digital success with confidence.

Monitors Functionality Overview

Listing Monitors

The Monitors section provides users with a comprehensive listing of all configured monitors. Each monitor entry includes essential information such as:

Name: The unique identifier of the monitor.
Type: The type of monitor, such as HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, or Ping.
Period: The monitoring interval, indicating how frequently the monitor checks the target URL.
Creation Date: The date when the monitor was created.

Action Buttons

Users can perform various actions on individual monitors using action buttons:

Statistics: Provides a quick link to detailed statistics and performance metrics for the monitor.
Enable/Disable: Allows users to toggle the monitoring status of the monitor, enabling or disabling it as needed.
Delete: Enables users to remove the monitor from their monitoring configuration.

Add Monitor Button

To streamline the process of creating new monitors, the Monitors section features an “Add Monitor” button. Clicking on this button launches a monitor creation wizard, guiding users through the process of configuring a new monitor with ease.

Enhanced Filtering and Search Options

Status Filters

Users can filter monitors based on their current status, including:

Up: Monitors that are currently reporting as up or functioning correctly.
Down: Monitors that have detected downtime or are reporting as down.
Disabled: Monitors that have been manually disabled by the user.

Type Filters

Users can also filter monitors based on their type, allowing them to focus on specific types of monitors, such as HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, or Ping.

Search Functionality

For quick access to specific monitors, users can utilize the search functionality by entering the monitor’s name or a keyword related to the monitor they are looking for.